Good Morning,
The Vandyke Group has offered to host and cover the cost of Don Davis' Funeral Luncheon for around 200 people after the service this Saturday Sept 4, 2021.
This is going to be a huge help to his family and a small way to be of service to a member that has impacted the Vandyke Group immensely.
We are taking contributions to help fund this effort.
Option 1: Give funds directly in an envelope labeled "Don"to Greg R, Brian L, John R, Dennis C, Scott H or Tammy S.
Option 2: Send funds via our official Vandyke Venmo using the user name
@VandykeFellowship. Type "Don" in the memo.
Thank you in advance for helping us be of service to the Davis Family.
Vandyke Mission Control
PS We are looking for people to join the Clean Up Crew. Please reply to this email if you can be of service.