This morning we had a well-attended business meeting about the virtual zoom option and meeting guidelines.
These items passed with a near unanimus vote.
As of June 1, 2021 all meetings, except for Tues. 10am & Wed. 7pm, will transition back into 100% in-person only. The Zoom option will be suspended for those specific meetings moving forward.
As of April 17th, 2021, masks at in-person meetings will be optional in the meeting room BUT required in hallways and common areas.
We are also hosting our first "We Are Not a Glum Potluck Picnic" on Sat. June 12, 2021 @ 11am - 3pm located at Boys Scout Park in Plainfield. Come to meeting for more info.
Vandyke Group
P.S. Check out website re-design We added an events page.